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How to build a Telegram group to any capacity using Invite links, phone numbers and usernames

                                           Building Telegram Groups for your brand/ business

Imagine a community of 100,000 Global (or local) active members all having same goals, same social interactions, mutual interests and like-minds.

Quick question
What would your brand/business be like if its situated on a certain street/town/city where every resident is solely interested (potential customers/target market) in your product/service? How much sales would you rank up? How many loyal customers would you win and keep loyal? Imagine a community of customers where there’s a direct communication link between your brand and your customers? No restrictions, no emails whatsoever? How far would you take your brand? How many countries would you conquer if you knew there are no border restrictions or language barrier?

 Telegram Super Groups and Channels offers you this Golden opportunity-community support. This book is tailored to unravel the intricacies behind building Telegram super groups.

How do i build a telegram group? how do i add multiple (mass) members to my telegram group? how do i beat telegram restrictions, how do i get and work with telegram usernames? how do i manually build a telegram group? why are there no information out there?  how do i get 100000 members to my telegram group?


It all began with one pretty simple Task- “build a telegram group for my brand” and “I want it big, 100,000 active members”, Piece of cake (I said). I started out and was unsuccessful for the first 30 days. I hit many brick walls, stumbled on many ridiculous obstacles, I was losing time (deadline closing) and money. I researched and consulted online, the sad part- the resources and information I required was just—Non-existent. I Googled hourly for 2 weeks using divers search terms and keywords--got nothing concrete, how frustrating! The simple fact was there are only a handful of useful information (aside the regular FAQs) regarding the rather simple process of building a Telegram super group.

The Good news is, I scaled through (good old tooth & nails) beat the deadline and it’s been group building success ever since (oh yeeeah 😊). I created an eBook to answer all your questions and give you a detailed step-by-step guide on how to build a telegram super group. its easy to create a telegram group, but building one takes a lot of knowledge and experience to be successful. This book is based on my successful completion of several super groups building projects and personal research.

Get a copy NOW .. click the link below

remember "its easy to create a telegram group, but building one takes a lot of knowledge and experience to be successful".

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