Nigerian Guide

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Illegal petrol station Regularization in Nigeria

Ideally , Every intending petroleum products Marketer In Nigeria is expected to go through the stipulated processes and due clearance in obtaining an Officially recognized valid License to Operate a filling Station. 
However Many marketers fail to do this for several reasons; regrettably, one of which is ignorance. 

If you’ve built a filling station in Nigeria, without due credence to the Government, your outlet is deemed illegal. Illegal stations in Nigeria is on the increase, especially in the Rural/Underdeveloped areas of the country were the presence of the Government is not felt in its full capacity or Outright ignorance and/or disregard for rules and regulations guiding the petroleum industry, Whatever the reasons are, the need for regularization is a safer option for getting on the good side (good terms) of the government.

Before proceeding further, lets quickly take a look at the “Tribulations” (LOL) faced by illegal stations and her owners.
  1. Illegal stations may be completely demolished by the government and the site sized (#wasted investment :( ). 

An illegal station being demolished by DPR

2. Illegal stations would be sealed off and its owner HEAVILY FINED (arrested if the owner tries retaliating) 

3. Owners of illegal stations are not “officially” allowed to buy petroleum products from Public and/or private depots (because a DPR license would be required at the depot).

4. If a marketer is caught selling petroleum products in an illegal station, the marketer would be heavily fined (amount withheld), probably arrested and the products available in the station may be dispensed to members of the public at NO COST (Free).

The lists goes on but telling scary stories is not my specialty…so we move ahead.


  • Write (typed) a formal letter addressed to the operations controller of the DPR office in your locality. The letter should contain your company address, contact details (or simply use your letter head) station where your station is and that you are applying to be regularized.
  • DPR would correspond with you as to the next course of action and the fine to be paid (amount withheld for obvious reasons  ...LOL).
  • You would be required to present Original copies of your Property documents such as CCDA approval, survey plan, memorandum of association, deed of conveyance e.t.c for sighting(photocopies would be submitted).
  • You would also be required to write a Letter of Apology, stating the reasons why you built an illegal station.


After submitting your application for regularization, a DPR official would be assigned to inspect your station. Basic Safety compliance, Land Area (size of land), Read This and the Integrity/storage capacity of your Underground storage tanks (USTs) would be the highlights of the inspection.

Also note: 
You may be required to DIG OUT every buried underground storage tanks (USTs) for integrity and capacity evaluation (which is an expensive procedure in itself) and re-bury the tanks after proper inspection.
It shouldn’t be a difficult process if the odds are in your favor.


PLEASE NOTE That the federal Government of Nigeria as given a directive stating all illegal stations are to regularize with DPR before the end of the year 2016 or they would be heavily fined with a  mandatory fee of N3, 000,000 amidst other charges and penalties (demolition is still very much an option  ). So if you built a filling station/LPG plant without due approval, REGULARIZATION is your sure ticket to getting back on level terms with the government.
This information first appeared on .

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