Nigerian Guide

Navigating Nigeria the Nigerian Way.
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Constructing a petrol station in Nigeria - DPR guide part 2

Before reading this post, I strongly suggest you read the previous post  Constructing a petrol station in Nigeria- part 1 To get a clearer understanding.

We’ll move straightway to the topic on our plate;


After obtaining a site suitability approval, you are required to apply for Approval to construct (ATC). This is done by simply writing a formal “computer typed” letter using your company’s letter- headed paper (optional).
Below is a sample of an ATC application.

ATC application Sample

Read the guidelines below;

     (CATEGORY ‘B’ OR ‘II’)

The following conditions must be met before/after approval to construct can is granted.

  1. There must be a minimum distance of four hundred meters (400m) between the proposed site and an existing outlet or approved site.
  2. The maximum number of filling stations within two (2) kilometers stretch should not exceed four (4).
  3. After ‘Approval to construct’ is granted, it is mandatory that some meaningful development be made on the site within three (3) months from the date approval was granted. The approval expires if no development commences within the time frame.
  4. Signpost must be installed on site immediately after approval to construct is granted. The signpost should indicate the name of the company and the reference number of approval letter.


  • Two (2) photocopies of certificate of incorporation, original for sighting.
  • Two (2) photocopies of memorandum and Article of Association, original for sighting.
  • Two (2) photocopies of current tax clearance certificate, original for sighting.
  • Original and photocopies of police report.
  • Original and photocopy of File service report and certificate.
  • Two original copies of approved building plan.
  • Two (2) photocopies of letter of confirmation from ministry of lands and survey, original for sighting.
  • Two (2) photocopies of certificate of occupancy or deed of conveyance, Original for sighting.
  • Two (2) photocopies of Environmental impact Assessment (EIA) report.
  • Application letter to be Addressed to: The operations controller of the DPR office in your state.

N/B: The application letter accompanies the relevant documents listed above.

Also note that you may be required to apply subsequently for inspection of your sites after ATC has been granted, before commencing milestones (like before storage tank burial) during construction of your outlet.


Haven completely constructed your station, giving creedence to safety (Fire extinguishers, sand buckets, boreholes, fire hydrants etc)  and health (office spaces and Restrooms) considerations, you would be required to apply for final inspection of your station.
A DPR officer would be assigned to conduct the inspection and if your station/outlet is considered qualified/appropraite, a DPR lincense to operate would be issued.
Useful Informations

  • You are to apply for a DPR storage and sales lincense  permit, to enable  you purchase (lift)  and store petroleum products .
  • DPR lincenses have a one (1) year validity period, from the date of issuance and are renewed annually.
  • DPR may not require an Environmental impact assesment (EIA) or Environmental impact study (EIS) if the cummulative(PMS/AGO/DPK) capacity of your storage tanks are less than 270,000 Litres (Six tanks of 45,000Litres each).

We sincerely hope this guide has been useful... If you've already constructed an illegal station/Outlet , kindly read the next post on DPR REGULARIZATION. 

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